Twitch Spotlight Variety Streaming with SeriouslyClara

Clara is a popular Twitch streamer from BC, Canada known for streaming a wide range of indie games. Her interactive, entertaining, and unpredictable streams make her a must watch. When she isn’t gaming, she enjoys drawing, cosplay, cheesy pizza, and craft beers.

Clara was gracious enough to interview with Gamer Women.

When did you realize that you were getting popular on the site?

I don’t think I’m ever going to be that popular to how casual I am when it comes to streaming. But my first moment of “wow, people know me from the internet?” was at PAX Prime (Penny Arcade Expo) last year (2014) when people actually recognized and approached me. PAX South and PAX East following that were insane. I couldn’t go 5 minutes without someone wanting to take a picture with me. That was… unreal.


Do you Twitch full time? If not, do you plan to in the future?

No, and I don’t really ever plan to. I come from a business, management, and coordinator background, so I have a deep-seated fear I’ll turn streaming into something too serious if it became my livelihood. As it is now, I don’t even keep the dashboard open because I don’t care about viewer count or pleasing anyone but me (and of course hopefully entertaining what internet family decides to stop by). My stream is a guilt-free haven where I get to feed my addiction to video games, a platform to spread positivity, and a means to support the little guy in video games (indie devs). Someone once put it best like this: If I went full time, I’d have to change my name to SeriousClara instead of SeriouslyClara.


Would you advise other women to get into streaming?

I would advise anyone to get into streaming equally if it’s something I think they’d enjoy doing.


How has streaming changed your life?

My view of the online world has changed dramatically, for better and worse. I’ve been a victim of cyber bullying, death threats, and other harassment. But I’ve also experienced extreme joy and fulfillment from the lives I’ve touched and being touched by my internet family. I’ve also found a new platform to promote self-acceptance and acceptance of each other. From streaming, I’ve had the opportunity to do things I never imagined possible in areas I’m passionate about. I was invited to visit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis for the PlayLIVE charity summit, which was a transformative experience. I was able to meet countless stream family at PAX East in Boston, PAX South in San Antonio, PAX Prime in Seattle, and TwitchCon in San Francisco. At TwitchCon, I also spoke on a panel on LGBT issues in Twitch broadcasting to an online audience of over 100,000 viewers. In Vancouver, BC, where I live, I’ve now hosted 3 Twitch Vancouver meetups that get bigger and bigger each time (last one filling capacity of the gamer bar we host at all night).I have a wonderful new perspective that allows me to be a stronger advocate for video games. All in all, I have a lot to be thankful for directly because of streaming.

You can watch Clara’s stream:

Clara’s Social Media


facebook girl,gamer women,gamer women interviews,Girl Gamer,girl gamer on twitch,Girl Gamers,girl twitch names,girl twitchers,play video games,Professional Gaming,SeriouslyClara,Twitch spotlight,Twitch streaming,Women in gaming,Women in video gamesClara is a popular Twitch streamer from BC, Canada known for streaming a wide range of indie games. Her interactive, entertaining, and unpredictable streams make her a must watch. When she isn’t gaming, she enjoys drawing, cosplay, cheesy pizza, and craft beers. Clara was gracious enough to interview with Gamer Women. When did you realize...Where Women & Gaming Unite