Esports consist of organized video game competitions, typically played for prize money. Gamers can play in single-player or team competitions, depending on the game. Over the years, the sport has grown in popularity expanding the pool of Esports jobs. Now, gamers and professionals alike work in Esports.

Esports is an enormous field that accommodates people from various fields. Your career goals will determine the qualifications you need to excel in Esports. Having a bachelor’s degree is advised however it isn’t a prerequisite depending on your skillset. However, it can opens more doors to open for you. In addition to your qualifications, having experience is essential. It builds a work profile for you and gives you an upper hand with employment. Your experience does not have to be directly in your field however, it could make for an easier career path. 

esports jobs

Careers in Esports

Esports provides many opportunities for both gamers and professions of varying experience levels. Esports jobs include sales, operations, coaching, management, travel agent, event planning, game designers, social media management, Esports arena jobs, and more. These opportunities go beyond just being a player, as the gaming industry is estimated to be worth over a billion dollars. For beginners, you do not need to have in-depth knowledge about the gaming sector before becoming part of the industry. 

Esports provides job opportunities for many careers including those in programming, media, marketing promotion, and management. Coaches and managers can even develop and improve players skills’ to take their game to the possible highest level in their sport. Promotion and media is a huge part of Esports as well, those with social media advertising and marketing experience can excel in this industry.

Celebrities, Fortune 500 companies, and sports teams have invested in Esports. For record’s sake, over 3300 different jobs were available last year on Esports job boards: Entrepreneurs, gamers, coders and developers, social media managers, writers, and bloggers. The list of jobs is plentiful, add photographers, investors, managers and coaches, marketers, Esports internships, and many more positions that the Esports industry offers. There are a ton of opportunities as it is a growing industry. Esports entry-level jobs are available due to the industry being in its early stages. 

Remote esports Jobs

Esports Jobs: How to start working in Esports

  • Possess skills that are in the area of expertise needed in Esports: Expand your skills while in your career and give you more career options. For example: If you are a social media manager, be good at copywriting. This makes you more marketable to the industry. Startups are especially in need of multifaceted workers, as they are looking to grow fast.
  • Take advantage of opportunities in your local area: Typically in larger cities or tech hubs. Great for entry-level and highly experienced professionals. 
  • Explore social media: This is the social networking age and everything that happens in Esports happens there. A good LinkedIn profile is a pitiful tool for those seeking employment in the industry. Keep your eye on the platform for job openings and up-and-coming companies.
  • Be a part of events, competitions, and tournaments: showing interest in competitions, events and tournaments is a big plus for you.
  • Review and perfect your resume and cover letter
  • Check job boards frequently:, Linkedin, zip recruiter,, and career builder
  • Be proactive: Finding your dream job isn’t an overnight process. You will need vigor, grit, and a willingness to acquire skills and experience. 

The most known jobs in gaming are developers and designers. These careers can allow you to work remotely in Esports.

Remote Esports Jobs 

Tips for game developers and designers to increase working in Esports remotely

  • Focus on designing techniques that will enhance gameing features and specifications.
  • Consult with suggestions regarding the programming language and engine to use for the project.
  • Code writing to help game players relate better with the games and the characters in them.
  • Examine and show the potential flaws and bugs with games and hosting platforms. 
  • Create a soundtrack for games.
  • Create and assist with new updates that will unlock new levels and features for the game.

Technically, most jobs in Esports can be performed remotely. Including social media, marketing, Gaming animator, audio engineer, beta testers, Esports coaching jobs, and more, However, if you want to work a high skill job that’s always seeking for employees. developing video games with various formats like mobile phones, personal computers, consoles, and web browsers. in Electronic Sports,Careers in Esports,careers in video game industry,careers in video games for women,esports analyst jobs,esports arena jobs,esports coaching jobs,esports internships,esports jobs,How to start working in Esports,professional esports jobs,Remote Esports JobsEsports consist of organized video game competitions, typically played for prize money. Gamers can play in single-player or team competitions, depending on the game. Over the years, the sport has grown in popularity expanding the pool of Esports jobs. Now, gamers and professionals alike work in Esports. Esports is an...Where Women & Gaming Unite